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Passionate to help maintain a Healthier Mind

My name is Avraam and in 1998 I embarked on studying for a BA in Psychology and since then I have dedicated my life to psychology, counselling and psychotherapy, having completed two MA degrees amongst other qualifications.  I have been working clinically with clients since 2010, both individuals and couples, and I increasingly see the value of being able to speak to someone without the fear of being judged. It enables clients to explore the issues they are facing in an environment where they feel safe, understood and supported. 

From my own therapy I know too well how it feels to express to a complete stranger your innermost and often deeply buried feelings, thoughts and emotions. I will do my best to make you feel comfortable by offering an environment where you can safely speak about the issues that are worrying you and which are making you feel unwell. 

Issues such as depression, stress and anxiety can affect each one of us in different ways and the impact is often felt by others both at home and at work. 

Previously, I have combined my private practice with part time roles with Cambridge University and I lectured in counselling at Anglia Ruskin University in association with Renew Counselling. I have also worked as a private practitioner in Canary Wharf London and Harley Street. 

Currently I am working full time as a Private Practitioner in Nicosia, Cyprus. In addition I am a qualified Supervisor and an Online and Telephone Counselling Certified Counsellor and a Professional Member of ACTO. I am an Accredited Couples Counsellor.


Accepting that we need help is the first step in getting better


Issues such as depression, stress and anxiety can affect each one of us in different ways and the impact of those could be felt both at home and at work.

I offer a professional and confidential environment and as Senior Accredited Registered member of BACP I operate to their ethical and professional standards. I am experienced in working via video conferencing such as Zoom, which may be especially important during the current Covid pandemic. 

Practicalities: Once we have agreed a day and time for our first session, the next steps will be explained. I will  provide you with my Terms and Conditions and I will ask for some personal information which will need to be provided by the first session. 

I work with all ages from 18 upwards, male and female clients and couples.

Feel free to give me a call, send me an email or a text and I will aim to respond within 24 hours (if you contact me over a weekend I will aim to get back to you on the Monday).

Useful links

If you are in crisis contact the: Samaritans at 116 123

or call your GP


If a life-threatening crisis should occur, you should call 999 or go to a hospital emergency department.

Some other helpful sites

Prevention of young suicide in the UK

Mental Health and Support Service: Sane

                                                                                                MIND helpline


Beating Eating Disorder

Adults feeling suicidal

Charlie Waller Trust-for Young People

Help with Suicidal Ideation

If you need to speak with me between sessions please either call, text 07786 852553 or send an email at Your call will be returned as soon as possible. Messages are checked daily (but never during the night time). Messages are checked less frequently on weekends and holidays.


Nicosia, Cyprus


Telephone: +357 99354665


Kyriakou Matsi 3

Agios Dometios, 2373


(same road as Tagmatarchi Dimitrio Pouliou)

Private, quiet & professional !


Please contact me to discuss my fees.

Individual Psychotherapy (50 minutes) 

Couples counselling (1 hour)

Methods of Payment

You can pay by cash, credit card, online banking transfer, paypal, ApplePay or by cheque.

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The main differences between the two approaches:

Counselling is an approach that has a focus on the immediate or pressing problem and is usually short term. This is normally for a period of 6 to 12 weeks but in some cases it can be longer.

Psychotherapy usually involves periods longer than 12 weeks, sometimes years.  It often leads to a deeper, more established relationship between client and therapist in which more profound and deep-seated issues can be explored.

Both Counselling and Psychotherapy require their therapist to have undertaken in-depth training and professional development.  The therapist should be a member of professional organisations such as UKCP or BACP and must have Clinical Supervision for their work.  It is a recommendation that a practicing therapist should continue professional development in order to keep up-to-date with their learning.

What is really important in both Counselling and Psychotherapy is, confidentiality. This allows the therapeutic relationship to develop and for the client to reach a place where deep seated issues (often from childhood) can be explored in a safe environment, 


Confidentiality is invaluable in a therapeutic relationship as a fundamental part of building trust and I follow the guidelines of the BACP ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy. However, confidentiality is not absolute, and there are exceptions.  

The reasons for breaking confidentiality would be if the therapist considered that you were putting your life at serious risk, if another person’s life was at risk, or if the therapist was liable to civil or criminal court proceedings if information was not disclosed. If at all possible this would be discussed with you beforehand.

Confidentiality contributes greatly to the client’s sense of safety and is one of the things that makes the therapeutic relationship different from any other. Counselling and psychotherapy encourages clients to be as open and honest about themselves as possible, and inevitably, this involves clients discussing personal experiences and sensitive information with their therapist. Therefore, it is of great importance that the client can trust that what they are disclosing about themselves will remain confidential.

Healthier Mind keeps all records securely and will ensure the utmost confidentiality in the treatment of any information held about its clients, in line with the Code of Ethics of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and the Data Protection Act 1998.

Contracts and boundaries

I will agree a Framework with my clients and you will sign a contract covering the limits of confidentiality


I consult regularly with my clinical supervisor and occasionally with other professionals regarding my work with clients; however, the client’s full name or other identifying information is not disclosed. The client’s identity remains anonymous and confidentiality is maintained.




"what is the problem and who's problem is it?"

I am a Qualified Supervisor and offer Clinical Supervision to Individuals and groups. In it's 2018 Ethical Framework BACP recommends the following: "Good supervision is much more than case management. It includes working in depth on the relationship between practitioner and client in order to work towards desired outcomes and positive effects. This requires adequate levels of privacy, safety and containment for the supervisee to undertake this work. Therefore a substantial part or preferably all of supervision needs to be independent of line management.". 

I offer the following kinds of supervision.

clinical supervision                         counsellors/Psychotherapists

In clinical supervision I will be providing a space for the supervisee to reflect in depth about all aspects of their practice, in order to work as effectively, safely and ethically as possible. The aim is to maximise the effectiveness of the therapeutic relationship and to be supportive but also to monitor and safeguard the interests of the client.  Where appropriate I will offer suggestions for professional development. The purpose of the supervision will be to encourage you to work on ethical decision making, boundaries and responsibilities. In a nutshell, it is an opportunity to discuss case studies and any other professional issues.

FEES: to be discussed upon contact

professional supervision

(main focus is how the professional operates in their workplace ).

I call it a “reflective space” because it gives the professional (any professional) the chance to explore what is going on for them. Supervision is especially recommended when working in jobs where you are expected to give or receive emotionally challenging information OR where you are interacting with challenging clients. It is an opportunity for the individual to explore in a contained, safe and constructive environment issues that you might not be able to explore with your line manager. 

FEES: to be discussed upon contact


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I have considerable experience supporting clients presenting with work related issues including 12 months working in the Staff Counselling Service at Cambridge University.  

According to research:

The 2019/20 Health and Safety Executive Report showed that 17.9 million working days were lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety and an estimated 828,000 workers affected by work-related stress, depression or anxiety.

Below are some of the issues that I have worked with: 

Overload, caused by unrealistic deadlines and expectations

Sense of Lack of Control, feeling left out of decision making or lack of time to complete a task

Unhealthy Working relationships, including dealing with an aggressive management style, feeling isolated, bullied, harassed, poor relationships with colleagues, others taking credit for your own achievements. 

Fears of Job insecurity, caused by having temporary/fixed term contracts, fear of redundancy, covid19 related issues, Brexit related issues.

Poor Work-life balance, because of the impact of the demands of the job on personal and home life, unsocial hours, excessive travel and over demanding work schedules. 

Feeling Inadequately Resourced, due to lack of appropriate training to do the job. 

Pay and benefits, such as feeling under rewarded for the job you are doing

Corporate Services

Executive Coaching

Helping Employers from small companies to large organisations enhance their understanding of their team and use that to improve company culture, productivity, and retention.

Group Workshops

Group workshops offer an opportunity to discuss and tackle common topics such as time management, personal development, and conflict resolution. My workshops also encourage and facilitate individuals within the group, to think about how to utilise each team member's strengths effectively, allowing for a more even input and a feeling of pride for each individual, especially in group projects. This also builds confidence in each person as well as producing a cohesive and better considered piece of work, by opening it up to contribution from different perspectives, skillsets and ideas.

Individual Therapy

Offering on-site as well as online individual therapy sessions to help employees deal with stress, improve productivity, manage conflicts, and increase overall well-being.


MA Counselling

MA Professional Development

BA Psychology

Postgraduate Certificate Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy

Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching (Higher Education)

Postgraduate Certificate in Health Psychology

Qualified Mediator, Alternative Dispute Resolution

Qualified Assessor for ADOS-2 diagnostic tool for Autism

Certificate in Supervision


British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy Senior Accredited

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